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"The Phelps Family", by professional genealogist Robert Barnes, details the early Phelps of Anne Arundel, MD. One of the more important items to the James Phelps line of Caswell, NC is the list of "Unplaced Phelps" beginning on page 371. On page 373 there is a James Phelps in the 1766 All Hallows Parrish listing 1 white male, 1 white female, and 5 white children. This would fit the James Phelps who died in 1786 Caswell Co, NC.
This and a later document, "Further Notes on Phelps" by Louis Giles, never identifies this James Phelps.

I visited the Maryland Archives building and just happened to meet Mr. Barns. I asked him about his research and he said that it was done for a Samual Phelps of Illinois. I asked if he knew of any male decendents of the AA Co. Phelps line. He said that he did not and has not done any Phelps research since the article was done. He is listed on the MD Archives web site as a researcher. http://aomol.net/msa/refserv/forms/html/genealogistlist.html
- John K Phelps
John, thanks so much for your comment. I also contacted Barns last summer and eventually contacted Samuel of Illinois. He chose not to do the Y-DNA test which would have confirmed or denied a relationship with other tested Phelps. I manage the Phelps Y-DNA project if you are initerested at
Hope to hear more from you!
Doug Phelps (Phelps project admin)
You are doing an excellent job in the research of Thomas Felps of Baltimore County, MD
Ed Phelps
You are doing a great job on the Thomas Felps of MD.
Ed Phelps
That Phelps from Maryland, Michael Fred Phelps, Jr, has the most Olympic medals in known history!
We hope to hear more soon on my YDNA test from August. The 37-67 is evidently done, but no further information. My great grandfather was George Washington Phelps - his wife was Nancy Harrison Barnes (Barns?), and they may be a relationship on the Barnes side. We have George's father as Richard, who may have been from Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Would love to know if there is a tie in here - we believe Richard was born in 1785 in Maryland, according to bible records, and that he married Ruth (Ruthie) Peaters (Peters).before they moved to Ohio in the early 1800's.
Lawrence, go to this page where there is a similar FTDNA ydna test genealogy posted https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/11-george-washington-phelps-b-1809-unknown-location-son-george-washington-phelps-ii-b-1838-tenn
Hope your ydna matches his. Doug.
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