Thursday, September 14, 2006

NC Phelps - Rev War Bounty Land Grants

As reported by Margaret Swanson, Phelps researcher

Lloyd DeWitt Backstruck, Baltimore: GPC Co., Inc. 1996

p. 417 [all Phelps awards from southern states-none from northern
states] These awards represent militia service -not continental army-mps

Phelps, Benjamin. Md. Private. _____. 50 acres.
Phelps, David, Ga. Sergeant. 20 Feb 1784. 250 acres.
Phelps, Garrett. N.C. Private. 20 Oct. 1787. 640 acres to heirs.
Phelps, George. Va. Private. 23 Jun. 1783. 200 acres.
Phelps, James. N.C. Fifer. 2 Feb. 1784. 1000 acres.
Phelps. Jesse. N.C. Drummer. 22 Dec. 1796. 1000 acres.
Phelps, Josiah. Va-Ind*. Private. 108 acres. [*land granted was in
Phelps, Kedar. N. C. Drummer. 2 Feb 1784. 1000 acres.
Phelps, Stephen. N.C. Private. 30 Sept. 1785. 640 acres to heirs.

Note: Privates received 640 acres.
Non-commissioned officers 1000.
Required two years of service. NC issued land warrants from 1783-1841
in two series.
The first included numbers 1-5312, issued from 1783-1797. located in
military district of Tennessee. Second series of warrants numbered 1
to 1242 issued 1799 to 1841 by NC but Tennessee officials located and
granted these patents. There is more information from the introduction
if anyone is interested.
Most heirs names are unlisted. Land warrants were frequently sold, so
the warrant does not necessarily refer to military service for that
